The weekend of October 19th/20th saw players, and supporters, congregate at Tamworth IBC for their 17th EALABA National Drawn Pairs Championships.

Late health issues reduced the competitors to 12 players who then competed in a league format, enabling everyone to play each other. In a blind draw the pairings were: – Gary Swift + Richard Badger, Bill Riches (late stand-in) + Steve Smith, Colin Wagstaff + John Rogers, Joe Peplow + Rhys Milton, Steve Angus + Alex Comack and Chris Gray + Harry Atkin. Matches lasted 80 minutes with a minimum 20 minute rest between.
Playing on rinks parallel to Tamworths Denny squad, 2 matches were held in the morning followed be a 2 course lunch then the third match of the day. Unfortunately, Joe Peplow was taken ill and had to withdraw from the afternoon session. Tamworth’s Peter Carlo stepped up and played alongside Rhys Milton.
Matches were close and with scores not reflecting that closeness. At the end of the first day Steve Angus + Alex Comack were undefeated, and clear leaders from second placed Colin Wagstaff + John Rogers on shot difference.
Day 2 started at 10am with everything to play for. The first match witnessed Steve + Alex escape defeat picking up a much need 4 shots to scrape through. Colin/John, Chris/Harry also scraped through. With one match to play, neither of the top two could afford to lose, Colin/John and Chris/Harry both needed to win. Steve/Alex need to beat Colin/John to bring the whole championship down to shot difference between the top three.
Chris/Harry did what they needed to however, Colin/John picked up a massive 6 shots early in the match against Steve/Alex, and continued powering their way to a further 5 towards the end, and the title of Drawn Pairs Champions 2024.

Thanks go to Tamworth IBC, and caterers Woodies for loads of sumptuous food and kindness.
Our Events for 2025, include a challenge match versus Tamworth IBC on Saturday 1st March followed by Gedling IBC on April

During our Singles Championship we ran a spider with the prize of a cheese board in memory of our late colleague Paul Baker who always had a huge cheese board after our main course. Winner of the cheese board spider was Steven Smith. This time our spider prize was a very nice malt whisky and the winner was Steve Smith ….. again. (we must find out his secret.
Some time back Paul Baker had admired this bowls top and the South Shields Club donated one to be auctioned at one of our events. The auction was a load of fun as players tried out bidding each other. Winner was the enigmatic Alex Comack. The members added to the auction sum and a 3 figure sum is being donated to a cancer charity. Members signed the top and gave it to Paul’s wife Sandra.